Follow the link above for Athletic Season Pass Information.
All passes are available now!

English - https://5il.co/2trsi
Spanish - https://5il.co/2trsj
Medicaid Annual Notification available at the links above.

Follow the link above to view Commerce Public Schools' Annual FERPA Notification

Each year the Commerce School District is mandated by Federal Law to coordinate a search and find effort to locate potential special education students. If you are aware of a child living in the Commerce School District who may have a debilitating condition, please contact: Trevor Brough Director of Special Services Commerce Public Schools 601 East 6th Street Commerce, Oklahoma 74339 (918) 675-4336 We would appreciate your help in the identification of special education students. Thank you for your cooperation.
Child Find Letter - https://5il.co/2trsh

73% of students have their PowerSchool enrollment or re-enrollment forms completed. If your child is part of the 27% please contact your school office if you need assistance in completing your forms. August is here and school is nearly back in session.
All CMS/CHS students must have their forms completed before they can pick up their schedule or get their locker. Remember to bring your $25 Chromebook rental/ insurance fee. Offices are open 8-3.

CHS Schedule Pick Up

We recently received our School Pride® donation from TTCU Federal Credit Union for the first half of 2024. Thank you for using your TTCU School Pride® debit card and giving back to our district! If you don't have one, get yours today! #ttcuSchoolPride @TTCUCreditUnion @ttcu

Time to complete Enrollment and/or Re-Enrollment forms for all Commerce Students. Please follow the link above to get started. All forms must be completed for all students before the school year kicks off on August 14, 2024.

Doug Furnas Blvd is CLOSED! The county is resurfacing part of the road. If you need in the high school please enter around back by the baseball field. We have the back gate open and it will be until the county is finished.

Mykahl Dunn was our Commerce High School representative to 2024 Boys State held at Rogers State University in Claremore, Oklahoma. Oklahoma American Legion Boys State is an intense week of non-partisan leadership, government, and patriotism sponsored by the American Legion. The 310 delegates were separated into 9 cities and Mykahl was voted Mayor of his city, Bryant City and helped lead them to receive the senior councelors' choice award for Bryant . His participation earned him a $1500 scholarship per semester to attend Rogers State University.
Great job representing Commerce Mykahl!
Go Tigers!

The April 5th Wyandotte Track Meet is on our schedule as being hosted at Quapaw. The track meet will be held at Wyandotte tomorrow, instead of Quapaw. The meet will be for 6/7 and 8/9 boys and girls.

Weather Schedule Changes - Today's CMS and CHS track meets have been moved to Wednesday. Baseball games scheduled for tonight are being moved to tomorrow, April 2, 2024.
We will be watching the weather closely and utilizing our safe rooms if the need arises. The weather is supposed to hit our area between 2 and 9 pm. If weather warrants a change, we may move after-school program pick-up to safe rooms. We will notify all parents via text and social media posts if this change is needed.

Inclement Weather Cancellations for this evening, March 14th, 2024.
All middle school and high school baseball games at Afton have been canceled. Every attempt will be made to reschedule these games.
CMS/CHS Cheer clinic scheduled for tonight is canceled and will be rescheduled for Monday, March 25.
Remaining Soccer games at Locust Grove canceled for the rest of the day. Games will continue tomorrow, weather pending.

CPS staff is watching the weather. We are currently under a tornado watch and a tornado warning has been issued south of our area. There is a possibility of these storms arriving at the end of the school day. The storms are producing strong winds, rain and hail. Students will be kept inside the building if the weather is threatening at dismissal time. Buses will be delayed if threatening weather exists. We will keep everyone updated. Be safe Tigers!

Orders for our 2024 yearbook are currently being taken. The price of the book is $35. You may order online at https://yearbookforever.com/ or pay your building's secretary or Mrs. Rhodes. Also, there is a phone app called "Yearbook Snap." You can upload pictures for consideration in the yearbook. The code for our school is commercetigers

This Wednesday, March 6, 2024, will be our seventh Way 2 Go Wednesday. Students with 1 or fewer absences in the previous month and All A's and B's qualify for the OPTION of doing their work virtually on the first Wednesday of each month. Middle School Students who qualified for March will receive a note to take home to parents. High school students will receive an email from the office that they can show their parents for verification. If you have any questions, please call your school's office.

A BIG Thank you goes out to the Wyandotte Nation for providing our CMS and CHS guest speaker today. Anthony Grupido of handsleight.com provided a great message to our students on mental health and well-being. Thank you Wyandotte Nation!

Prepurchased tickets available for tonight's playoff basketball games at the link above. Tickets are $7.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door. Tonight's games will NOT be live streamed so please make plans to come out and support our boys and girls as they compete in the first round of the OSSAA Basketball Playoffs.

Today is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. Commerce Schools is blessed with two of the best. Please help us give a big thank you to Officer Perez and Marshal McMinn. You two are such a blessing to our students and staff! Thank you for all that you do!

Reminder - Parent Teacher Conferences at all 3 of our sites are tonight from 3:30-6:30 and Thursday, February 15th from 3:30-6:30. We look forward to seeing all parents.