If you are a veteran, either active duty, retired, reserve or national guard, The OSSAA and Commerce Pubic Schools would like to invite you to attend the first round of the football playoffs for free next weekend! That’s right, all veterans and one guest will be admitted free of charge on Friday November 12th to all OSSAA first round football games. The OSSAA an Commerce Schools appreciates the sacrifices of all veterans, and hopes you will take advantage of this opportunity. Simply show your Military ID card, or driver’s license that shows your military status at the gate next Friday, and you and a guest will be omitted free of charge. See you next week, and thank you for your service!
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Thank You Veterans
http://frapps.horizonsolana.com/COMP03 CPS Families - This is our last push for free/reduced lunch applications. We have to have free/reduced lunch applications completed by all parents. If you have not completed one, please take the time to do it at the link above. The results of these forms determines school funding and it is extremely important that we have them on file. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Free Meals
Commerce Families, We are happy to report our numbers after 9 full weeks of in-person instruction. As of 10/17/21, we currently have ZERO COVID-19 positive cases at all sites for both students and staff. Go Tigers!
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Congratulations to the Commerce High School band for their 2nd place finish at the Pitt State homecoming parade. Great job!
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Fall break is scheduled for Thursday, October 14th and Friday, October 15th. There will be no school and the school offices will be closed. Please enjoy the break and be safe.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Commerce Families, We are proud to report our numbers dropped again this week. As of 10/10/21 and 8 full weeks of in-person instruction, we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 1 Students and 0 Staff CMS- 0 Cases CHS - 0 Cases All who came into close contact have been notified.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
https://5il.co/zmnp Commerce Schools will host a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on October 13th, 2021 from 9-11 at CHS and from 11-1 at CMS. The Ottawa County Health Department will be on site to administer the Pfizer vaccine to students aged 12+ if their parent/guardian wishes. If you would like to have your child vaccinated, please follow the link above to print the form off and complete it for your child. Please return the form to the school office yourself. You may also stop by the office and complete a blank form in person.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Vaccine Clinic
Commerce Families, As of 10/03/21 and seven full weeks of in-person instruction, we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 6 Students and 0 Staff CMS- 0 Cases CHS - 1 Student and 0 Staff All who came into close contact have been notified.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
https://5il.co/zmnp Commerce Schools will host a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on October 13th, 2021 from 9-11 at CHS and from 11-1 at CMS. The Ottawa County Health Department will be on site to administer the Pfizer vaccine to students aged 12+ if their parent/guardian wishes. If you would like to have your child vaccinated, please follow the link above to print the form off and complete it for your child. Please return the form to the school office yourself. You may also stop by the office and complete a blank form in person.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Vaccine Clinic
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held this week at each site on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 and Thursday, September 30, 2021 from 3:30-6:30. Please take this opportunity to meet with teachers. Research shows parental involvement is a crucial factor in student success.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Parental Involvement
Commerce Families, As of 09/26/21 and six full weeks of in-person instruction, we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 7 Students and 1 Staff CMS- 0 Cases CHS - 0 Students and 1 Staff All who came into close contact have been notified.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Commerce Families, After our fifth full week of in-person instruction we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 10 Students and 1 Staff CMS- 1 Students CHS - 4 Students and 1 Staff All who came into close contact have been notified. 18 opted for quarantine.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Reminder - Commerce Students will not have school tomorrow, August 20th, 2021. Teachers will be attending professional development activities. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
No School
Parents and Guardians, I am writing to you today to inform you of a concerning issue that we see on social media. We are beginning to see disturbing trends that are perpetuated by social media platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Most recently, there is a social media challenge nationwide encouraging students to vandalize their school bathrooms and/or steal items from their classrooms. Students film themselves engaging in these acts and post them to the various sites. Because of this viral trend, we have had incidents of theft and vandalism happening throughout the district. We do not know whether or not these incidents are the result of the social media videos encouraging such behavior, but we find it problematic that we have seen this type of activity while it is being perpetuated online. We encourage you to talk with your students about their use of social media, and appropriate behaviors while at school. Our buildings are meant to be a safe, clean space for our students and staff and the destruction and theft of school property will not be tolerated. There will be consequences for students who choose to engage in this behavior and can include restitution and the involvement of law enforcement. We appreciate your support and encourage you to discuss your child’s social media accounts and the adverse effects of peer pressure that are often promoted by these platforms.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
https://5il.co/z7cd The High School Football roster is available at the above link if you're interested.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Commerce Families, After our fourth full week of in-person instruction we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 12 Students and 1 Staff CMS- 2 Students CHS - 6 Students and 2 Staff Members All who came into close contact have been notified. 28 opted for quarantine.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Home if Sick
Commerce Families, After numerous phone calls, I feel it is important to clarify the current mask situation at our schools. We do not currently have a mask mandate. Students and staff are encouraged to wear a mask, but they are not required at this time. Thank You, Stephen Moss Superintendent
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
https://bit.ly/3kUulPS The link above will take you to our current COVID-19 numbers at Commerce Schools. Feel free to save the link it if you want to keep current. Sadly, our numbers have been increasing. As you may have known, District Judge Natalie Mai ruled in favor of the Oklahoma State Medical Association and a group of parents suing to overturn SB658 which blocked mask mandates. We are awaiting further guidance from school attorneys but please know that, when the law allows, Commerce Schools will always err on the side of caution when it comes to the health of our students and staff.
almost 3 years ago, Steve Moss
Commerce Families, After our third full week of in-person instruction we currently have the following COVID-19 positive cases. AES - 8 Students CMS- 4 Students CHS -1 Student and 1 Staff Member All who came into close contact have been notified. A total of 8 students have opted to quarantine after being notified.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Commerce 40 Galena 14 6:00 left in 4th. Currently in a lightning delay.
almost 3 years ago, Commerce Public Schools